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Archive for ‘Blog’

I think trying to maintain a daily comic is an unrealistic goal for me (at least until I get the process streamlined), so I’ll just aim for two or three a week.  The new setup includes an RSS feed, so that will make it easier to see when a new comic is up.

Recently a couple of people I’ve never heard of registered as users of this site. I thought that was odd, as there’s currently no benefit to registering—you already can see everything there is to see, and post comments about it. None of the half-dozen people I know who read this comic have registered, so why […]

If you’re new to the strip and don’t want to spend all day catching up, Yetta’s Wyrd is now available at Archive Binge. Archive Binge lets you set up a custom RSS feed for a webcomic, which will feed you comics faster than they’re being updated. You can control how fast you receive comics, up […]